Dev Blog #2: Handlebars and Categories

Posted on 8/1/2020

At work, our applications are designed with a static front-end that uses $.ajax to make HTTP calls to an RPC-style API. I've only been around in the software world for a few years, but it's already pretty evident to me that RPC is associated with XML and is definitely not considered "hip" anymore, but I definitely understand why it works for our use cases, and why a strict REST API could get confusing. How do you model an HTTP request to send text messages out to a list of applications? With ...

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Dev Blog #1: Image Uploads and Resizing

Posted on 7/17/2020

I hope the greasy steak pictures helped convey the sensation of a fat gushing out of a morsel of wagyu beef as you bite down. The image uploading process went through two slightly different iterations, and it was pretty quick--maybe three or four hours from start to finish. I was also inspired by a few problems that I've solved while working on two projects at work.

The company I work for sells a document management platform called Real File. It's actually pretty neat; in addition to ma...

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